Carol Morgan

Speaker on Social Media, Marketing and Leadership

The Netflix Effect Seminar by Carol Morgan

The Netflix Effect

The Netflix Effect is a fun presentation and thought-starter for marketing topics. Today’s buyer has changed due to the Pandemic and immediacy. Thus the Netflix Effect is all about immediacy, online 24/7 access and the customer wanting complete control of the shopping and buying process. This means they can shop when they want and from where they want, order and get immediate gratification.  Is your company ready for this new paradigm? The customer is in

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Marketing ROI seminar

Marketing ROI

How does your marketing measure up? And, what does the C-suite really want to know. When talking about Marketing ROI for the C-suite, they typically are going to be very bottom line oriented. The CEO, CFO, etc in the C-suite want to know if it worked.  What did it cost? What is the return on investment (ROI)? How many sales can be attributed to it? Do you have a plan to measure? And, what are you

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Embrace Change Seminar

Embrace Change: Leadership, Passion and Inspiration

Carol Morgan will share her inspirations and passions as a leader, and share how throughout her career she has innovated, reinvented and focused to not just survive but grow and be successful. Change is constant in business, find out ways to embrace it and move forward instead of dwelling in the past. Like many women in business today, Carol has adapted to meet family needs while still excelling and running a successful marketing company. Carol

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Generations Seminar

Gauging the Generations: Gen Z to Boomers

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If your marketing is stuck in a rut and you want to understand how to step it up for 2020, this seminar is for you. Continuing to concentrate on print, billboards, direct mail and other older methods of marketing and advertising may or may not help you to reach the largest potential buying demographic today. Gauging the Generations:

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Social Media Seminar

Social Media Marketing for Your Business

This seminar takes a long-term approach to building and maintaining an effective marketing strategy with social media as a main component. It is designed to help companies think strategically about social media and how it fits within the “big picture.” A well-designed marketing program must start with a strong foundation comprised of the company website, brand and content. After the foundation is in place, tactics like social media can be incorporated to drive traffic to

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Netiquette Seminar

Netiquette 3.0

Netiquette, where common courtesy meets the internet, has become a necessary focus as business communications have evolved and become internet based. The telephone is no longer a primary form of business communication as texting, instant messaging and social media have become mainstream. When is it OK to text a client or business partner versus sending an email? Is the answer the same for a Boomer, Gen X, Millennials or Gen Z? Do we overuse the

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing for Your Business takes a deeper dive into the “why” of social media while providing tips for the most popular sites. This book is designed to help companies think strategically about social media and how it fits into the overall marketing strategy.