Carol Morgan

Speaker on Social Media, Marketing and Leadership

Social Media 3.0 Featured on Intrepid Radio

I recently had the chance to talk about my new book, Social Media 3.0, with my good friend Todd Schnick on his Intrepid Radio show. As usual, his show and interview style lived up to its name. He is truly fearless! During the interview we discuss what readers can expect to find in the book’s third edition, including the fact that 40 percent of the content is new. From the social media veteran looking for

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Rev Up Your Social Media

Are you looking to rev up your social media program? With my new book, Social Media 3.0, it will be easier than you think! There are great tips and advice for implementing a strategic and effective social media marketing program. My goal is to help your business take its social media activity to the next level. You will gain insight on how various generations use social media, effective ways to start up a program and

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Gorilla Marketing and Ivan

Many of you may not know that I had the pleasure of serving as the Public Relations Director for Zoo Atlanta from 1994 – 1998. It was by far one of the most fun jobs I have ever had. Not only did I have the pleasure of working with an incredibly talented team of people, but I had the opportunity to get to know some amazing animals. One of those animals became near and dear

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Now that the new version of my book is out apparently the old one has become priceless.  Amazon has one copy of “Social Media for Home Builders: It’s Easier Than You Think” remaining and this exclusive edition is available to one lucky (and perhaps wealthy) buyer for $101.41.  All I can say is priceless! Of course, you can always purchase the new version “Social Media for Home Builders 2.0” for its regular price of $19.95.

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Tradeshow Survival Tips from #IBS2011

About half-way through the International Builder’s Show, I realized that my back already hurt and my feet were starting to hurt too.  I found myself in the Professional Women in Building (PWB) lounge lying on my back on the floor! It was just then that Cindy Cepko entered the lounge and loaned me her EMS (electronic muscle stimulation) machine. Having never used one before I was completely surprised that this portable, light weight piece of

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What Generation are Your Jeans?

The style and fade of your jeans may be more than just a mere fashion statement – It may be a sign of your age or at least your generation! There are many different styles of jeans on the market including: jeggings, skinny jeans, bell bottoms, low rise, mom jeans, ripped jeans and many more. Which style do you wear and why? Jeggings are popular with what I like to call Generation Next, or the

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing for Your Business takes a deeper dive into the “why” of social media while providing tips for the most popular sites. This book is designed to help companies think strategically about social media and how it fits into the overall marketing strategy.

Social Media Marketing 450-PIXELS