Carol Morgan

Speaker on Social Media, Marketing and Leadership

Social Media Seminar

Social Media Marketing for Your Business

This seminar takes a long-term approach to building and maintaining an effective marketing strategy with social media as a main component. It is designed to help companies think strategically about social media and how it fits within the “big picture.” A well-designed marketing program must start with a strong foundation comprised of the company website, brand and content. After the foundation is in place, tactics like social media can be incorporated to drive traffic to

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New Book: Social Media Marketing for Your Business

My fourth book on social media was released by NAHB Builder Books at the International Builders’ Show in Orlando in 2018. Needless to say, I’m super excited to have an updated book out!  “Social Media Marketing for Your Business” takes a different approach than I have in the past.  Rather than talking about “how to” set up the various social media sites, I take a deeper dive into the “why” of social media and strategic marketing.

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing for Your Business takes a deeper dive into the “why” of social media while providing tips for the most popular sites. This book is designed to help companies think strategically about social media and how it fits into the overall marketing strategy.

Social Media Marketing 450-PIXELS